Changes in C++Builder 2007 Update #3
Bob Swart |
9/14/2007 12:15:58 PM
Most of the attention of the past week(s) may have gone to CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 and the new Delphi for .NET 2.0 and enhancements in Delphi 2007 for Win32, but there are also some very noteworthy fixes and changes in C++Builder 2007. First of all: if you don't know if update #3 is applied: check the splash screen.
If it's white and has the red banner with "CodeGear RAD Studio" on it, then you're running Update #3. If it's still like the one on the right here (the original C++Builder 2007 splash screen), then you need to run Update #3 - but make sure to read the Common Issues with Update #3 first.
Apart from that - check the About Box. If it says CodeGear C++Builder 2007 Version 11.0.2804.9245 then you're OK (check to see if Alt+KUDOS works as final test - it only works after Update #3 is applied).
Now for the more significant changes, and for a recent project of mine these involved DataSnap and Windows Vista issues (like QC #18513). The most important one (for me) is the fact that C++Builder COM Servers are no longer automatically registered when they are executed. This used to be the case, including in the release version of C++Builder 2007, but has been changed since Update #3. The reason is that it's now on-par with the Delphi implementation, which also no longer automatically registers COM servers when run (see Chris Bensen's blog).
You now need to run the executable with the /regserver command-line argument to register itself.
Note that under Windows Vista, you need to be administrator to do so (which is another good reason why this fix was applied: otherwise you would get an error message that the registry could not be modified by this process, since admin rights were needed).
This and many more fixes are now listed on the Developer Network site for C++Builder as well as Delphi.
And finally: a big welcome to a very recent change for C++Builder: Alisdair Meredith, the new Product Manager C++ at CodeGear.
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